A micropreneur helping other micropreneurs succeed. Leveraging emerging tech and ancient wisdom.
Weekly #131 | Using AI, Micro-Influencers & Sharp Execution
Daily #450
Weekly #130 | A Digital Chinese Micro Empire in the Making
Weekly #129 | Lessons from Karina Mikhli, Founder of Fractionals United
Weekly #128 | AI Does the Heavy Lifting, Humans Steer the Ship
Daily #449
Weekly #126 | How Ali Abdaal Transitioned from Solopreneur to Micropreneur
Weekly #124 | Lessons for micropreneurs on how to build billions with a small, lean team
Daily #448 | Super.so, Notion + Framer & New Personal Blog
Weekly #123 | How authentic, community-driven content is reshaping SEO for Micropreneurs in 2024 and beyond.