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AI: Making Life Easier for Community Managers, Marketers & One-Person Businesses

Weekly #036

Happy Sunday fellow wayfinder!

Last week, we discussed The Power of One-Person Enterprises & Nano Payments in 2023. This week, we look at how AI is changing the game for Community Managers, marketers, and even one-person businesses.

Let's dive in.

Seeing more conversations on your feeds about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ChatGPT?

Well, you're not alone.

The concept of AI has been around for a while, but recent advancements are making it more tangible for the average person. ChatGPT is the most recent implementation through Microsoft-funded OpenAI Labs.

And it's getting better every day.

In old Star Trek shows, there were talking computers, genetically-modified cyborgs, and even logic-driven characters like Spock (below).

If you go back even further, Stanford classics scholar, Dr. Adrienne Mayor, claims that ancient Greek myths predicted the likes of artificial intelligence, driverless cars, robots, and virtual assistants.

Mayor shares that “Our ability to imagine artificial intelligence goes back to the ancient times”, and that millennia before engineering or software, robots, and AI were brought to life in Greek myths.

AI (also often confused with ML or "Machine Learning") is real and it's making our lives a lot easier.

Community Managers: AI is a Game Changer

Have you ever seen a community manager's job? They have to keep an eye on a bunch of different social media accounts, read through comments and messages, and make sure everyone is playing nice.

It's a lot of work.

But with AI, it's getting a lot easier. There are tools that can help out with:

  • Moderating comments

  • Identifying key topics and trends

  • Giving personalized responses

Some of my favorites include CommonRoom, ChatGPT, and Perplexity.

ChatGPT, for example, is a powerful AI tool that can help community managers out in a lot of ways. It can help them:

  1. Create more engaging content

  2. Respond to comments and messages faster

  3. Help identify potential issues before they become a problem

But that's not all. ChatGPT can also be used for things like building custom reply templates, establishing the overall tone and voice of your audience, and answering member questions in a consistent style. Other AI-based tools can also help with moderation.

It's like having a whole team of community managers working for you, but it's all done through one interface. Below is a tweet from one of my favorite AI-based community monitoring tools, CommonRoom:

Marketers: AI is a Marketing Wizard

Marketers have a tough job too. They have to figure out who their target audience is, what they want, and how to get them to buy products or services.

But again, with AI, it's getting a lot easier.

New tools are helping to analyze customer data, identify target audiences, and even create personalized marketing campaigns. Just like in the old Star Trek shows, where their computers could analyze alien behavior and predict movements.

And it's not just science fiction, ancient Greek myths also foretold the existence of intelligent beings that can assist humans. One example is the story of Pygmalion and Galatea. The story tells of a sculptor named Pygmalion who created a statue of a woman so beautiful and realistic that he fell in love with it. He wished for the statue to come to life and his wish was granted by the goddess Aphrodite. The statue, named Galatea, came to life and became Pygmalion's wife.

This story is often interpreted as a metaphor for the creation of intelligent beings that can interact with humans, similar to how AI is assisting us today. It's interesting to see how these ancient myths predicted the existence of such "beings," which we are now seeing becoming a reality with the development of AI technology.

Here's an example of how a TikTok marketer growth hack using Dall-E 2 and ChatGPT:

Micro Businesses: AI is a one-person team

Micro businesses (e.g. one-person businesses) can be tough. You have to do everything yourself. But with AI, it's improving efficiencies ten-fold. There are tools that can help with tasks like customer service, content creation, and data analysis.

ChatGPT can help micro businesses out in a lot of ways. It can help with customer service by answering frequently asked questions and providing personalized responses. It can also help with content creation by generating new ideas and even helping with data analysis.

But that's not all. ChatGPT can also be used for things like creating personalized messages for different users and even helping to moderate comments and messages. It's like having a whole team of employees (e.g. community managers, markets, etc.) working for you, but it's all done by a single artificial entity.

Solopreneurs and copywriters are needing to up their game, as new roles like "Copy Prompters", "Prompt Crafters," and even "Prompt Engineers" are starting to pop up:

So opportunities are everywhere.


As you can see, AI is making life a lot easier for a lot of people. It's helping community managers, marketers, and micro businesses in ways we never thought possible. It's also opening up new opportunities. And it's not just something from Star Trek or ancient Greek myths. It's real and it's here to stay. So, next time you're feeling overwhelmed, remember that there's an AI out there that's ready to assist.

Until next week, remember: through patience & persistence, it will come.

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