Google NotebookLM's Team of Six

Weekly #121 | Lessons from launching a viral AI product in 2 months

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In a world where bigger has often been touted as better, the team behind Google Labs' NotebookLM is proving otherwise. With just a few core members, they built and launched a viral AI product in under two months. Their approach? Coincidentally, very much like our Spartan Strategy from last week —stay lean, stay nimble, and focus fiercely on community-driven product development.

In today’s newsletter, we take a closer look at how this tiny team is changing the game in AI, and what every micropreneur can learn from them.

NotebookLM: A Product Born from Small Team Hustle

NotebookLM began as an idea called "Project Tailwind," and within weeks, this small, dedicated team had turned it into a functioning product that made waves across the internet. Jason Spielman (@jayspiel_), the team’s Senior Interaction Designer, recently shared that their newest feature, "Audio Overviews," took off rapidly online:

Here’s what makes NotebookLM so special: it wasn’t built in isolation, nor as an AI for the sake of AI. Instead, Raiza Martin, Jason Spielman, Steven Johnson, and their teammates worked collaboratively, involving users in every stage of development. They launched early, iterated often, and always put user feedback front and center.

Key Takeaways for Micropreneurs:

1 — Build with Users, Not Just for Them

The NotebookLM team didn’t wait for a perfect product—they launched a minimum viable version and iterated quickly based on real user needs. For example, when they noticed users wanted in-line citations, they pivoted rapidly to add the feature. This kind of dynamic, user-driven development is exactly what we mean when we talk about building "with" your community. As Jason mentioned, “We’re not waiting to launch, we’re shipping early and iterating.” For micropreneurs, this is a powerful reminder that perfection can sometimes be the enemy of progress.

2 — Net-New, AI Native – With a Purpose

Rather than just bolting AI onto existing products, the NotebookLM team aimed to bridge real human problems with state-of-the-art AI solutions. The "Audio Overviews" feature is an excellent example—it’s not just a cool tech demo, it’s designed to help users digest their own information easily and efficiently. As we discussed in our past post, Cursor AI is Redefining Success with A Team of 12, success in AI isn’t about having the most bells and whistles — it’s about solving the right problems in the simplest way possible.

3 — Make Every Moment Count

With such a small team—just Jason as the UX designer—every meeting was a working session. They didn’t waste time on endless strategy talks. Instead, they focused on building, refining, and iterating as they went along. This laser-focus on productivity mirrors our Spartan Strategies post, where we emphasized the importance of lean, action-oriented approaches. For micropreneurs, this is a lesson in efficiency: prioritize action over prolonged planning. Every moment should be in service of your build.

Why Small Teams are the Future of AI Innovation

NotebookLM’s success is a vivid example of why small, empowered teams can thrive even in environments dominated by massive players. At Micro Empires, we believe in the power of these agile units—where collaboration, quick iterations, and direct community engagement can lead to outsized impacts. The rapid iteration of NotebookLM and its viral reception showcase the power of staying close to your users and remaining relentlessly action-oriented.

Google is a giant, but the NotebookLM team operated with a micro mindset—remaining agile, involving users at every step, and continuously evolving based on real needs. This is how truly impactful innovation happens: not with a sprawling team, but with a small, dedicated group driven by purpose and feedback. It’s this micropreneurial spirit that allowed them to iterate their way into a viral product in just two months.

Applying NotebookLM’s Approach to Your Micro Empire

  • Embrace Community Feedback: Involve your users from day one. Every launch, no matter how small, is an opportunity to learn and improve.

  • Focus on Solving Real Problems: AI should be a tool for enhancing human experiences—not just a flashy feature. Keep your tech purposeful.

  • Keep Meetings Action-Oriented: Small teams can move faster if they focus on building, not just talking. Make every meeting count toward a tangible outcome.

The Power of Small

The NotebookLM journey isn’t just a success story for Google; it’s a beacon for every micropreneur out there, proving that the size of your team doesn’t determine the impact of your product. The key is in staying small, staying nimble, and focusing fiercely on what your users actually need.

Your next "NotebookLM moment" might be just around the corner—what are you building today that could take your own community by storm?

Until next time, stay small, stay sharp, and keep building.

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