How To Use A Million AI Experts

Weekly #111 | The rise of Small Language Models (SLMs), PEER & MoME

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Over the last week, I stumbled upon some interesting work in the AI field.

Pioneering research in Large Language Models (LLMs) has given rise to PEER (Parameter Efficient Expert Retrieval) – a new approach that unleashes the power of “Millions of Micro Experts” (or MoME’s), based on leading research by Xu Owen He from Google DeepMind.1

Imagine a million-strong army of micro experts, each a master of their specific niche, working tirelessly for your business. That's the PEER advantage. It's not science fiction; it's the latest in AI research, empowering you to outperform industry giants with unparalleled efficiency and precision.

It also brings forward discussions about Small Language Models (SLMs) becoming more efficient than LLMs — similar to what we can see in the real world — especially with OpenAI Labs’ recent release of ChatGPT-4o mini:

But here’s how PEER dismantles the advantages of LLMs and larger players (key for micropreneurs building their own micro-empires):

1 — Unearth Hidden Customer Insights

Traditional AI often struggles with the mountain of customer data you possess. PEER's micro-analysts act like bloodhounds, sniffing out hidden trends and preferences with laser focus. You'll gain an intimate understanding of your audience, allowing you to craft targeted messaging that resonates deeply and drives sales. You can see this starting to be applied with products like CommonRoom (via “signal stack” tracking):

2 — Inventory Nirvana Achieved

Stop wasting money on overstocking or scrambling for missing items. PEER's micro-inventorians are like tireless elves, meticulously analyzing sales patterns, seasonal fluctuations, and supplier performance. They ensure you have the right products at the right time, keeping customers happy and profits soaring.

3 — Operational Efficiency Unleashed

From streamlining projects to automating workflows, PEER dissects your operations with a surgeon's precision. Its micro-optimizers pinpoint bottlenecks and inefficiencies, then prescribe the perfect solution. Imagine a project management mastermind ensuring projects stay on track and within budget. That's the PEER difference.

The Trend is Clear: Small is the New Big

Just like PEER's Small Action Models (SLMs) outperform their bulky LLM counterparts, micropreneurs have a built-in advantage – agility. You can adapt, innovate, and outmaneuver the competition with laser focus.

And if you’re wanting to apply all the above today, check out this great series from Riley Brown, where he goes through how to build your own web app using AI, with no prior coding skills:

The future is micro-powered. Apply PEER and watch your micro-empire flourish. Remember, in the business world, David with a team of PEER experts can conquer any Goliath.

Google DeepMind’s groundbreaking research levels the playing field, and you hold the winning ticket.


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