The Rise of Synthetic Humans

Weekly #069 | Chinese Deepfake LiveStreamers, HeyGen Avatar 2.0 & The Agricultural Revolution

So last week, we looked a success story of a fellow micropreneur in Ghana.

This week, we dive into the rise of “synthetic humans” (aka “digital twins”). Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, this issue is packed with insights that will help you build your micro-empire more effectively using the latest AI-driven tools, while anchoring lessons from the past.

We’ll cover Chinese Deefake LiveStreamers, HeyGen’s new Avatar 2.0, and correlations between the Agricultural Revolution and Fourth Industrial Evolution (today).

Lessons from the Agricultural Revolution

Before we had sprawling empires and complex societies, humans lived in small, nomadic groups (fitting for today’s growing population of digital nomads, no?). The Agricultural Revolution (c. 10,000 BC) was a game-changer. It started with simple tools like the plow (yes, this is also technology) but led to the formation of complex societies and civilizations.

The lesson here?

Starting small doesn't mean thinking small.

Just like ancient farmers who turned small plots of land into thriving communities, micropreneurs can turn niche markets into expansive opportunities. And with emerging technologies like AI, you can choose to stay small in [physical] size, while keeping revenue growing through things like “synthetic humans”

Synthetic Humans, Deepfakes & AI Avatars (Digital Twins)

AI technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, and it's crucial for micropreneurs to stay ahead of the curve. One emerging trend is the rise of deepfakes, especially in China. A recent report highlighted how deepfakes are becoming increasingly sophisticated there.1 

Chinese regulators are taking action against deepfake technology by issuing guidelines for popular platforms like Alibaba and Tencent.2 The aim is to regulate the use of deepfakes and prevent the spread of false information. Companies will be held responsible for implementing measures to detect and remove deepfakes from their platforms. This move reflects a growing concern globally about the potential misuse of deepfake technology and the need for stricter regulations to prevent its negative impact on society.

While the ethical implications are still under debate, the technology offers intriguing possibilities for personal branding and content creation.

HeyGen Avatar 2.0 & Synthetic Humans

Another breakthrough is HeyGen's Avatar 2.0.3 This AI-driven platform allows you to create lifelike avatars that can engage with your audience on a whole new level. Imagine hosting webinars, podcasts, or even customer service channels with your personalized AI avatar.

I got beta access to HeyGen’s Avatar 2.0 last week. And I got to say, the results have been impressive. I released my first video across LinkedIn and Twitter, then subsequent videos over the week. If I don’t tell people that it’s all AI, they have no idea that it’s my digital twin. That’s the impressive part.

According to Ryan Hoover, founder of Product Hunt, this is what he calls the rise of the Synthetic Human.


Create Your Own Personalized AI Avatar — So, how can you leverage these emerging tools and technologies? Start experimenting with your own personalized AI avatar. Platforms like HeyGen or Hallway make it easier than ever to bring your digital self to life. And it can multiple your time. The possibilities are endless, but the best part? You can approach this with an air of curiosity, versus trepidation.

Conclusion: The Fourth Industrial Revolution & You

As we wrap up this issue, let's draw some parallels between the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the Agricultural Revolution (mentioned earlier). Both signify a monumental shift in how humans interact with their environment3 .

The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (“4IR” or “Industry 4.0”) is a term that was originally introduced in 2016 by Klaus Schwab. It, like its historical counterpart, is not about isolated technologies but the integration of various tech solutions to create something greater than the sum of its parts. In this context, AI's current impact on labor is clearly changing the game

Much like the Agricultural Revolution transformed societies from hunter-gatherer to agrarian, and the earlier industrial revolutions shifted economies from agrarian to industrial, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the integration of digital technologies, AI (like AI avatars), and automation into nearly every aspect of work and life.

For micropreneurs, this means being open to leveraging different technologies, whether it's AI, blockchain, or data analytics, to scale your business effectively. Even if some of these tools are creating “synthetic” versions of yourself, you still have the power to control it — by educating yourself. The best remedy to conquer fear is by taking action. So take action towards embracing and using this technology effectively, before you feel overrun by it.

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