From Solo to Micro

Weekly #063 | The Power of Micropreneurship

Tool of the Week: AudioPen

This week, I’m sharing one of my favorite tools: AudioPen. I’ve watched its founder, Louis Perrera, grow AudioPen from strength-to-strength each week. I was honored enough to be one of the first people to interview him on a Twitter Space back in May. I was never a voice-notes person until I found this tool. Now I use it religiously to capture ideas on the fly and turn them into posts for my newsletter, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more. It’s helped reduce my content production time by 80%.

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, a new breed of business owner has emerged, making waves with their unique approach and resilient spirit: the micropreneur.

This term might be new to some, but its significance cannot be underestimated. As someone with a career in community-building and tech, I've had the privilege of witnessing the rise of micropreneurs firsthand — now including myself. Because, in fact, micropreneurs thrive in micro-networks (aka “communities”), which are smaller, and more tight-knit by design.

In this post, I'll delve into the strengths that define micropreneurs, ancient examples, why micropreneurship over solopreneurship, and how micropreneurs are shaping the landscape of modern business in a world of AI, blockchain, and even quantum computing.

Defining Micropreneurs

Volcano Ridge Mounted Archers of the Mongol Steppe. Source: History Collection

Micropreneurs are essentially the evolution of solopreneurs, those individuals who single-handedly drive their businesses forward but with a handful of supporters. Micropreneurs of today take it a step further by harnessing emerging technologies like AI or blockchain, to do and earn more with less. This unique blend of innovation and “micro” size sets them apart and empowers them to create meaningful impact, without sacrificing family life or time freedom.

Ancient examples of “micropreneurs” could include merchants, craftspeople, artisans, street vendors, and even itinerant traders. Mostly nomadic and thriving on smaller scales.

My favorite historical example of a micro player achieving big things is Genghis (Chinggis) Khan and the Mongols. By keeping their forces small and lean, they were able to outpace, outsmart, and outmaneuver players often double their size. This is the essence of a micropreneur.

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When you’re ready, here’s 2 ways I can help you:

🧰 Resources (FREE). Looking to improve your micro efforts? Check out my list of resources, built over the last decade. View resources

💎 Clarity Session ($99). Feeling stuck? Need someone to bounce ideas with, but in a structured and productive manner? Book a call to help you get unstuck and gain clarity. Book a session

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