Mastering Digital Writing for Success

Weekly #062 | Why it matters now more than ever

Mastering Digital Writing for Success

Let's discuss the vital role of digital writing skills in 2023 and beyond — something almost all entrepreneurs and professionals can learn to master. Effective storytelling, an age-old skill rooted in human communication, has evolved into a powerful tool for commanding attention and respect. It's been employed throughout history - from ancient epics to war propaganda - and now dominates the digital business world.

For this reason, one of my favorite books is The Last Storytellers, by Richard Hamilton. Because if you can tell a story, you can learn to write one.

Successful online writers earn not only attention but also reputation and profits by understanding their audience, inspiring action through words, and demonstrating language mastery. With people spending more time online than ever before, it's crucial to master these digital writing skills.

Last year I undertook this challenge myself; improving my skills through Harvard rhetoric classes, joining writing cohorts like Ben Shapano’s Great Founders Write, and committing to daily writing practices for my newsletter. As a result, I generated more leads for my business while refining my unique voice.

I discovered other great online copywriters such as Dan Koe, Justin Welsh, and George Tan. And have been studying them religiously, while incorporating the wisdom of JK Molina’s “likes ain’t cash” (since writing alone isn’t enough, you need to also learn how to “convert” — something for another day).

Now shy of ~300 days improving my craft daily, I'm eager to help others on their own journey towards effective online communication for their businesses. To do so, I've partnered with Taptive – experts in teaching digital writing over three-week courses.

On August 16th we're launching our GSD Writers cohort challenge where participants can hone their digital writing skills over three weeks, while learning how emerging AI tools may enhance productivity without compromising quality.

If you’re interested in joining us, reply to this email and I’ll shoot you a 25% discount code/link, which expires August 11. Hope to see you there!

Last week's premium newsletters:

When you’re ready, here’s 2 ways I can help you:

🧰 Resources (FREE). Looking to improve your personal productivity? Check out my list of resources, built over the last decade. View resources

💎 Clarity Session ($99). Feeling stuck? Need someone to bounce ideas with, but in a structured and productive manner? Book a call to help you get unstuck and gain clarity. Book a session

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