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  • DW050: AI Agents, Productivity Culture & Warrior Traditions

DW050: AI Agents, Productivity Culture & Warrior Traditions

Weekly #050

Hello fellow wayfinder!

Last week, we discussed Generative AI, Ancient Greek Legends & Cautionary Tales. This week, we look at AI Agents, Productivity Culture & Warrior Traditions.

Let's dive in.

☕️ Reading time: 5-7 mins.

AI Agents, Productivity Culture & Warrior Traditions

As business owners, it's vital to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging tech and innovation. One trend that continues to take the (Twitter) world by storm is AI agents, with AutoGPT leading the way.

AutoGPT takes ChatGPT and makes it possible for multiple different AI “agents” to speak with one another. This effectively reduces the need for human input and generates some fascinating results, which can be demonstrated in the following examples:

In a recent issue to premium subscribers (remember, you can always upgrade here), I shared my five tips and insights on how to leverage AI for your business. As you might be seeing already, with the rise of AI comes a shift in productivity culture that we need to be aware of.

Productivity Shifts

Did you know that it took ~30 years for people to accept a push-button elevator because they were worried about elevator-operator jobs? They were worried the electric push button would make human skills atrophy.

Sound familiar? Today, we're seeing similar fears as AI continues to automate tasks traditionally done by humans.

While AI has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of work we do, it also raises the question of what will happen to those without jobs. According to a McKinsey study, AI is expected to impact ~15% of workers, or 400 million people, worldwide between 2016 and 2030.[0]

As leaders or business owners, it's our responsibility to think about how we can help communities adapt to these changes and provide them with the necessary skills to succeed in a world where AI plays an increasingly important role.

This is why I got certified in AI Prompt Engineering last week and have been cross-pollinating my learnings with client communities (for example).

Warrior Traditions

One way I’m preparing for the future of work is by looking to the past (as I always do). In ancient times, warriors relied on physical strength and endurance to succeed in battle. Today, it’s very much a mental game. We can learn from ancient traditions and apply their lessons to our modern lives.

For example, in the 17th century, Indo-Persians performed a special type of martial art and exercise called gada-yuddha, which involved a perfectly weighted, steel mace.[1] It was so effective for building strength and stamina, that even modern fitness enthusiasts are embracing these ancient warrior traditions. Just look to the videos of European Youtuber, The Flowing Dutchman:

By seeing how modern individuals are incorporating such ancient techniques, we can remind ourselves that despite all our technological advances, some practices and traditions are worth keeping around. They’re still highly effective.

Finding a balance

Ultimately, the future of work is about finding a balance between embracing new technologies (like AI agents) and preserving the values and traditions that have helped humans succeed throughout history. All one needs to do is apply the old in new ways.

As leaders of our own circles, we must be mindful of these changes and take proactive steps to ensure that those around us are equipped to thrive in a world where AI is increasingly applied. By doing so, we can create a future where both productivity and tradition coexist and thrive.

In conclusion, AI agents, productivity shifts, and warrior traditions are all important factors to consider as we navigate the future of work. By being aware of these trends and taking proactive steps to adapt, we can ensure that our businesses and workforce are well-equipped to thrive in a rapidly changing world.



  • Became a certified AI Prompt Engineer (thanks to Rob Lennon’s advanced masterclass)

  • Booked flights and accommodation for the London Blockchain Conference (May 31 - Jun 2)

  • Soft-launched a new membership-based community called GSD (Get Sh*t Done) Global. Official launch May 15 — email me for link if you want to test or learn more.

Interesting Finds

Until next week, remember: through patience & persistence, it will come.


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