DW047: Dreams, Intuition & the Age of AI

Weekly #047 | Can dreams outsmart AI?

☕️ Reading time: 3-4 mins.

Happy Monday fellow wayfinder,

Last week, we discussed lessons from history, in relation to the Silicon Valley Bank debacle. This week, we look at how dreams and intuition may be an answer to AI threats.

Rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been nothing short of mind-blowing. From self-driving cars to AI-powered medical diagnoses via ChatGPT, these technologies are revolutionizing how we live, work, and think. But what if I told you there’s something even more powerful that’s been inside us all along — our dreams and intuition?

As the result of a recent trip to Guatemala, where I learned about its Mayan roots and its plethora of local indigenous languages — from the K’iche’ to Garífuna and Xinca — I realized there was something AI could not (yet) tap into without using brute force computing power, based only on publicly available Internet, or provided to it manually: the “universal super consciousness.”

At the main pyramid in Tikal, Guatemala

Some call this type of consciousness the “quantum mind,”[1] others refer to it as the “Akashic Records” (Indian/Sanskrit) or the “Naacal Records” (Mayan; disputed[2] ) — the sum total of human experience that is tapped into via ‘alternative’ means.

In the below blog post — which I published on Medium this time due to its lengthy nature — we’ll explore how dreams can offer unique insights, creativity, and problem-solving abilities that may complement AI’s analytical capabilities, and how we can harness this synergy for the future.

We’ll also dive into the importance of a single scalable blockchain — since it’s an area I’m involved in — in keeping AI honest, affordable, and under control.

My prediction is that as AI makes it increasingly difficult to determine what’s true or not online — from deep fakes to voice synthesizers — strong [human] intuition will add an important defense tool against AI-generated realities. And dreams are a perfect way of refining your intuition, which will also help complement our use of AI since it doesn’t have to be all gloom and doom. Such skill-building will improve both our personal and professional lives.


Emerging tech (AI/blockchain/web3)

Productive communities

The new sequence organizations need to look out for [source]

Ancestral wisdom


In this video, the founder of Lindo Language presents 'The Teotl Collection.' An on-chain historical and cultural collective of individual one-of-one art pieces that include the use and preservation of Maya Hieroglyph and American Indian languages, as well as references various important moments in history. What’s great about this is is that it’s a blend of ancient studies with modern tech (blockchain). Expect to see more of this in the future — as increasing interests in this overlap, and authors/journalists like Graham Hancock, rise.

If you’re interested in working more with your dreams, check out my Dreaming Journal Template for Notion:

Until next week, remember: through patience & persistence, it will come.


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