Recap: Consistency, Wisdom & Satoshi

Weekly Review 003

Welcome to another week's recap and thanks for being a subscriber! If you haven't had the chance yet, be sure to check out my newsletter archives here.

Summary of this issue:

  • Last week - consistency, Wisdom & Satoshi

  • 3 Lessons - lucid dreaming, fear & remote workers

  • Next week - dreaming a new dream

Feel free to skip to the section you want.

⏪ Last week: Consistency, Wisdom & Satoshi

You know you're hitting that struggle peak in habit-building when your "lazy side" starts telling you, "Don't worry. Skip a day. You deserve it. It'll be fine if you miss a day. You've already done so well. Treat yourself" That day is today, but I've kindly told that slacker, "Nope! Not today. We've committed. And this is what you actually enjoy writing about. So get on with it!"

Here are the newsletter issues that went out to paid subscribers over last week:

I had the opportunity to Zoom with one of our subscribers, who I mentioned in a previous newsletter about tiny homes and DAOs. We connected on a fair few subjects overlapping communities, tech, and ancestral wisdom. It's heartening to find more folks out there with the same or similar overlaps in interest.

Many of us have been too scared to talk openly about some of these subjects. But while reading a book called Toltec Secrets, I've been discovering that we're (of course) not alone. The timing of this particular niche or overlap is due to some of things I spoke about in a previous newsletter regarding the Aztec's 6th sun.

So it's time step out, because we all have hidden, "deeper" sides that need balancing with our outer material worlds.

☁️ 3 Lessons: Lucid dreaming, Fear & Remote Workers

1 - Lucid dreaming was an ancient practice taken very seriously. There's so much to unpack here that I'm going to have to leave much more around the topic to a separate newsletter or blog during the week. However, in the book Toltec Secrets, knowing how to dream was so important, that pre-Hispanic leaders and other notable dignitaries were taught this special knowledge in order to change reality. Because the Aztecs/Toltecs/Olmecs believed that, “The person who doesn’t remember their dreams is one of the living dead, as they have no control over their life when they’re awake.” So it's not "I think, therefore I am" as Renee Descartes once said. To some of the ancients, it was, "I dream, therefore I think." And the dreaming they refer to here is not just the outer, goal-setting type of dream, but the inner, subconscious one.

2 - Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. This goes without saying, but writing about all these topics - from community to blockchain to ancient wisdoms - via a paid newsletter has been enlightening. Just shy of 100 subscribers, I've already had subscribers upgrade to the paid version. This is suiting me just fine, because a lot of the content I'm writing about for premium members is a lot more personal. And I do believe that some knowledge should be earned. As I learn more and more about the ancients, I see why giving away knowledge for free can sometimes be at the detriment to others. Why? Well, because human beings (especially today) tend to value free content less. Just have a read of the research from Science Daily, and another marketing psychology journal. When there are "steps" involved, the value of what is being sought increases. It is why marketing funnels are so effective. Now, of course there are those in the past who've used this awareness to hoard power or suppress genuine learners. But today we have the issue of having too much (and even fake) info "free" for consumption. All of this is to help me document my journey, get over any previous inhibitions, and practice my writing skills. By putting myself out there, I take "courageous action".

3 - Remote workers are like lone wolves. I was recently reconciling my content from across the web, when I realized how much I've already written about wolves. I made multiple parallels between wolves and entrepreneurship, teamwork, and even remote workers. In one particular event I was spoke at in 2019, I shared how remote workers are like lone wolves. They usually enter remote work due to being rejected from some other pack (e.g. corporate company), wanting to be their own boss, or not knowing how to simply cope with other people. As a result, when they try working from home alone, they often get stuck because, although they enjoy the new-found freedom, they end up missing the company of colleagues. This is very much what led to the boom in co-working spaces (an in-between, "third space"). As a result, "lone wolf" types often do best when they can learn how to re-integrate into society via healthier, more functional "packs" (teams/companies/communities). This is how my mastermind The Pack came into existence back in 2016.

📆 Next week: dreaming a new dream

Over the coming week, I will continue with these Aztec dreaming practices from Toltec Secrets. I'll implement a few new strategies for this paid newsletter (thanks Twitter), while continuing to write each week day. I'll continue working on a new program being built for Faiā related to meta-communities. And I'll also continue to tell more people about the new Wisdom product (already had some pre-orders!).

Did you learn something useful over the last week? What's on your plate for this coming week? Would love to know.

Until next time: through patience & persistence, it will come.


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