Why I love Slack

048 // Productivity & Systems

Holding up exclusive Slack socks in 2018, for being great partners

Yesterday I had a catch-up with an ex-colleague I hadn't heard from since I left IRESS.

We spoke about:

  1. My experiences in the blockchain space since launching my company in Singapore in 2018.

  2. How and why I got involved with blockchain (specifically, BSV). This conversation prompted me to write an article about why Price ≠ Value afterward.

  3. And finally, where to start if one is looking to break into the industry as a non-technical person.

What stood out the most, though, was when he told me how proud I should be for implementing Slack - a popular comms tool for professional teams - within the organization all those years ago (~2018).

Because it was a lifesaver when Covid hit.

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